UV Resin 101
If you've found this page then you probably did a workshop with me already. If you have any feedback or would like to book a workshop for your own event or birthday party feel free to email me at lixie@lixiemakesit.com.
- The resin I recommend is Let's Resin UV Resin Clear Hard Type. It is available directly from Let's Resin or on Amazon. On Amazon they have a starter kit that contains a small lamp, resin and a mixing set. Or this larger one with everything you need to make a range of pieces.
- The molds are clear silicon molds - not colored ones. They are available from Let's Resin or many other providers, including Temu. (If you haven't used Temu before, it is a lot like amazon but buying direct from the seller so cheaper, but longer shipping time. I use them regularly for craft supplies. Click the link to download the app and then enter acj468657 in the search bar to get 30% off your first purchase. Free shipping and free returns.)
- The fimo slices are available in a large number of variations. Google "Nail art slices" and you'll be amazed. These will get you started.
- Searching for "nail art inclusions" will give you an endless number of options for things to embed in the resin such as these.
- The dried flowers need to be "pressed" aka flat. These are ones I buy regularly.
- The glitter and mica powders are available in endless varieties. This is the pack of glitter I often use as a base. Mica powder is essentially powdered pigment and can be found in big packs such as this.
Remember - do NOT get UV resin mixed up with Epoxy Resin. Epoxy is very strong smelling, needs precise mixing, and takes a day to set - although it is ultimately stronger and better for large projects.
Good luck and enjoy your making!
(Some of these links earn me a very small amount of commission if you make a purchase.)